Monday, July 28, 2008


Just so everyone knows I might not be posting because I got grounded. I didn't call to tell my parents that I was going to be late, I understand why I got grounded. They didn't know where I was or what happened to me.

Before and After

The "after pics didn't turn out so hot, so you might not see the diff, but you can definatly see it in person! So, here you go any way...

Thursday, July 24, 2008


I watch over her. I remember our first kiss and the many that followed over the years. I didn't meant to leave her, it just kinda happened. We grew up together, and I loved her. She was funny, smart, cute, but that wasn't the best part. She was a friend, someone I could really talk to, or joke around with. I saw her come to my room, I saw her leave and come back and cry. I ran my fringers through her hair, but she didn't know it. Know I watch her stare at the ceciling doing nothing, maybe waiting for her end to come. i hope she can be happy soon, but I will always remeber our first kiss.

A girl's story

Floating in and out, waiting for the bell to ring. I want to go visit my boyfriend. We've been friends forever. But, he got sick, really sick. Now, I visit him in the hospital. I cry every time I leave him, cause I can see the light it his eyes fading. He use to be happy, but I can see him slipping. I feld from the room when the bell rang and ran the whole way. Only one more mintue. 103, 104, 105, 106, 107,108...109! Wait, this must be the wrong room, it's empty. Oh,no oh,no! I run down the corner back to the nurses station. "What happen to the Roary, in 109!" I wailed at the nurse. I couldn't breathe, I can fell the sting of tears and my heart beating loudly. "I'm sorry, he passed away, only an hour ago." the nurse answer. I walked away stiffly, the world is a new, and cold place to me. I lost my only friend and family. I walked back to his room, only to sit and cry, I lost my friend, my life. What a way to live.

Moments Captured

You pretend to smile,
laugh, and be okay.
You smile that dark secret smile,
when you think about it.
No one could even tell,
what a great actor you are.
No one would believe you,
you, happy, pretty, bright,
little girl.
No one would believe,
you're shattering inside.
The pieces slowly falling away
never going to get them all back,
you see the happy girl in that photo,
you would never believe she's breaking,
that little boy riding his bike?
Yeah, you would never think,
that he's all alone.
You think that we're happy,
but it's not true.
Those moments captured,
are the charade we always play.

Weekly anime

I really like anime so I think I'm going to post a new anime pic each week!!! So here's the first one...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I want this to stop,
I want you to know me.
I want this moment to freeze.
Why do we have to go on?
I want you to be my friend!
I want you to understand me,
the nosie it's growing,
i just can't stand it.
Keeping it all to myself.
Know one know but you,
I want to be friends,
I want to stay like this forever,
i know you'd be mad ,
so I keep it bottled up,
I have a dirty little secert,
That's why I want it to stop,
Let's just be friends.
So just stop!
please? stop.

Everyones looking

Every ones looking,
you see her walking.
Think she's weird,
think she's odd.
But, you don't know,
what its like to live her life.
You don't know what she has to deal with.
The way she goes home,
and sees no one.
The way she goes to school,
and has no one.
The way she looks,
seeing no one.
To be breaking down,
to have to hold it in.
You feel like exploding,
you feel like you can't get any air.
Can you imagine living like that,
To always be made fun of,
cause they don't know how to deal with you,
don't know what you lived through.
Every ones looking,
you see her walking,
Thinks she's weird,
think she's odd?

Welcome to my life

This is a song, that a cute little boy sung at our talent show, when we were in school. I really life it and now I don't want to forget the name so... now I'll be able to to look at it cause now, its on my blog!!!(really good song!!) You should listen to it!!


It pulls you all different directions.
north, south, east, and west.
Where you stop,
is not always where you wanted to go.
Life drags you around,
making you say "goodbye",
to those you thought you'd,
never have to leave.
Tears make their visions blurry,
making the moment surreal.
But it's not,
you try to stay in touch but it's not the same.
Friends fade,
so does one part of your life.
But, the new one will never be the same,
for some that's, others its bad.


The knowing hands that search my face are gone.
The familair heat I loved is far away,
in the Twilight I hear them leaving.
Soft hair, kind eyes, and a heart breaking smile...
all gone.
What do you do when it all leaves?
The things you thought you knew,
have left.
Leaving an empty shell,
of what you use to be.
The knowing hands have gone,
the familair heat is far away,
but what do you do when it leaves?

Monday, July 21, 2008


Hey, it turns out Twilight Teez crashed so, I didn't get the ring. But, now I get at 10% discount along with everyone else!! Also, i have Field hockey practice which, I'm really loving!! Also, Monday the 28th, I'm dying my hair brown for the Breaking Dawn party!!!!! I just need to get colored contacts, but that might not be happening. So, have a good day and thanks for caring!(which I think you do because you are reading this!)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

grrrr, ring, grrrrr

It turns out the ring comes out at three, so I had to WAIT an hour, now I know some of you must think I'm crazy, but that's ok...cause...I know I am!! heheheheh so, you all know I am getting the white gold fashion ring size 7!!!! in....4 min.!!!!! Yeah!!!!


My products are selling, I've made about 6-7 sales, and just so you don't think I took it down, I moved my Zazzle widget to the bottom og the page, so you can see it in full and not just half of it. Got to get Bella's ring now in...1 min.!!!!!


Sitting, standing, pacing,
each second that passes,
is taunting me.
The clock hands seem,
to be moving slower.
I watch, I'm waiting.
Drowning in a sea of time,
trying to find that lost float.
1 hour, 4 minutes, 63 seconds,
each seems like a life time,
when I'm waiting,
but for what?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bella's ring

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! I can't wait Bella's ring will be avalibe to pre-order on FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!(the 18Th)! And, I will be getting one. I'm getting the Fashion verison. Which is fine cause then I can wear it when ever and not be worried about losing a 2,ooo+ dollar ring, although I'd worry about losing it anyway. Check out the pics, aren't they cool!!! The ring comes in both yellow gold and white gold, not sure which I like/want yet. Can't wait, and yes I did squeal when I read about it!!! Like a true Twilighter!!! I will post pics later I seem to be having uploading issues!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


The rain is running,
the water pounding.
Oceans growing,
rivers flowing.
The thunder pounds,
giving us music.
Lighting stricks,
giving us light!
the rain is running.


Have you ever had a secret?
Does everyone think your innocent, and pure?
I know how your feel
Living life, caring a secert that could ruin you.
They never know,
we hide it all.
We never show it,
it is a dangerous game to play.
So does this mean we are not innocent and pure,
or have we just change a little bit?
What have we done?
Was it really our fault?
I don't know.
We try to be good,
but sometimes it dosen't work.
Sometimes we serch for things we're missing,
in the wrong place.
It dosen't always work,
so does everyone still think,
your innocent and pure?

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Hi, every1
I'm home! I had a great time that just flew by! I did alot of things and had alot of fun! So, I made 4 sales on Zazzle now!!! Also, I am going to that amusent park(in NH) on Thursday proably! So, Tota Tota for now!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Dead Sea Scrolls

Yesterday, I went to the natural History Museum with my Grandma, and we got to see the dead Sea Scroll. They were really COOL! They are actually the bible! They were found in caves by the this little town, it was really fun!

Friday, July 4, 2008

My first sale!

As you can see I have a zazzle widget(I know I need to fix it!) but I made my first sale!! Whoo! Someone bought a "My dad is stronger than Emmet" shirt!! Whoever that is they are my lucky first costumer! Yeah..!

Me, mexican & ice cream!

Last night, we went out to dinner. We went to a Mexican place, it was REALLY good!! I had a combo, and it was one taco, one burrito, and one enchilada. I was sooo good I got another burrito! Then, we went to this ice cream place called Cold Stone, and it was the best! Of course I got dark chocolate ice cream!Mmhm good!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

NC, I'm here!

Hey everyone, I'm now in NC!! Whoooooa! Now, I'll be here for a fun 12 days! Now, I must go find my friends cause I haven't got to see them yet. Just one question for them, Are you ready?Cause here I come!! Hehehehe :D