Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bella's ring

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! I can't wait Bella's ring will be avalibe to pre-order on FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!(the 18Th)! And, I will be getting one. I'm getting the Fashion verison. Which is fine cause then I can wear it when ever and not be worried about losing a 2,ooo+ dollar ring, although I'd worry about losing it anyway. Check out the pics, aren't they cool!!! The ring comes in both yellow gold and white gold, not sure which I like/want yet. Can't wait, and yes I did squeal when I read about it!!! Like a true Twilighter!!! I will post pics later I seem to be having uploading issues!


Aisha said...

where did u see pics?
cause I looked every where and still don't see it!!!

Anonymous said...

go with white gold, i think, and get back to me on the sleepover reply. Tell me if you can come over. friday.
